Tag archives: wisdom

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before I Was 40: Words of Wisdom I Would Tell my Younger Self
By Deann Zampelli   |   June 4, 2024

I have never been a big fan of regret, all at once feeling and knowing its futility. However, if I could go back and meet my younger self, say in my 20s or 30s, I would tell that stonewashed-jeans-wearing girl the following: 1. Stop worrying about what other people think. They aren’t thinking about you […]

Access to Alexis in our Anxious Times
By Steven Libowitz   |   April 9, 2020

Santa Barbara native Alexis Slutzky has spent decades as a wilderness guide, mentor, MFT, reclamation practitioner, and council trainer who also specializes in indigenous wisdom traditions, rites of passage, depth psychology, ritual and ceremony and community exploration. Her grief work – which has brought people from both far and wide to retreats at Arroyo Hondo […]

Mining the “Real Wealth”
By Steven Libowitz   |   February 20, 2020

Unity of Santa Barbara six-month engagement with Rev. Phil Smedstad – who was ordained as a Unity minister in 1976 and has founded churches in Hawaii and Texas and led others in Florida, New Mexico, and North Carolina, and now serves as a consultant – ended late last year. But his monthly weekend workshops proved […]

Noah (and Jacob) Bake Bread for the Soul
By Steven Libowitz   |   February 6, 2020

More than three decades ago, Noah benShea created Jacob the Baker, a simple but wise character whose plainspoken wisdom and commonsense approach to life are delivered as parables and often funny pearls of wisdom. The Jacob books, four in total now after We Are All Jacob’s Children ended a 20-year hiatus in 2018, have provided […]

New Meetup: Deep Relating
By Steven Libowitz   |   January 23, 2020

Martha Alter Hines, MSW, CMT, who counts 20 years of experience in the grounded world as a psychotherapist, clinical social worker and body worker, now assists people to navigate the experience of awakening to their ultimate, cosmic selves and souls as a channel and a cosmic healer. Her new Meetup group, Deep Relating Within Ourselves, […]

Other Wise
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   November 1, 2018

Maybe you’ve seen this bit of sagacity somewhere before: “YYUR YYUB ICUR YY 4ME” The “translation” is: “Too wise you are. Too wise you be. I see you are too wise for me.” Very clever – but so what? For one thing, if true wisdom is really all it’s cracked up to be, how can […]

Wise Guise
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   February 1, 2018

On December 9, 2013, I celebrated my 80th birthday at a hilltop park overlooking Santa Barbara. Inviting everybody, on a pot-luck basis, I announced, somewhat facetiously, that this would enable me to assume the role of a “Wise Old Man of the Mountain.”  To my surprise, the City took this seriously, to the extent of […]