Tag archives: understanding

Creating Understanding in Today’s World
By Jude Bijou   |   June 28, 2022

According to Attitude Reconstruction there are only four rules of good communication and four opposing violations. Being aware of both gives us a choice about whether we want to create distance or connection with our words, whether we’re dealing with friend, foe, neighbor, or family member. Here are some examples of two ways of communicating […]

Learning from Other Countries?
By Robert Bernstein   |   June 28, 2022

“We live in the greatest country on Earth!” So said a caller on Bill Maher’s Real Time on the eve of the unprovoked U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Maher asked the caller how he knew this. “Because I have lived in the U.S. my entire life.” Maher tried to explain the illogic of this, […]