Tag archives: Ulma the Kidnapped Tree
You might need your own cloning technology, or at least a fast car, to make it to the two most intriguing author events this week, as they share a Saturday afternoon time slot on December 3. Montecito artist and general contractor William “Bill” Dalziel will read from his second children’s book, Charlie’s Dream, a sequel […]
Montecito artist and general contractor William Dalziel has published his first illustrated storybook. Ulma, The Kidnapped Tree is the true story of a young elm tree and her journey, says Bill, who shortly before the San Fernando earthquake of 1971 used a variety of it in the Northridge Fashion Center, a project he worked on. […]
Montecito artist Bill Dalziel, who lost his home in the mudslides, has published his first book Ulma, The Kidnapped Tree. The work, handsomely illustrated with his own pictures, tells of an architect’s dream in bringing an elm, an American Liberty Tree, from Virginia to a shopping center in Southern California. “It’s a heart-filled story of […]