Tag archives: sound healing

Multiple Meditations
By Steven Libowitz   |   April 16, 2020

Sarah McLean, the co-founder and lead meditation teacher at Montecito Meditation, which opened its doors just last summer, is embodying her McLean Meditation Institute’s motto of “sowing the seeds of peace” by offering free meditation over Zoom four times a day. “(It’s important to) take care of your nervous system and find more calmness during […]

Authentic Relating Games (Virtual Edition)
By Steven Libowitz   |   March 26, 2020

Carpinteria resident Damian Gallagher has been hosting Authentic Relating Games in person at Yoga Soup for more than a year, eager to share his practice and expertise in the relational field with the local community. By his own accord, AR games have allowed him to push his edges and find deeper and more meaningful ways […]

Salt Cave Staying Open
By Steven Libowitz   |   March 19, 2020

Salt, which bills itself as the largest underground crystal salt cave in North America, is not ready to close its cave nor its doors, as the boutique features pink Himalayan salt in crystal cave rooms, massage and facial treatments, and unique products made in Santa Barbara for the home, body, and cooking. “We’re still open […]

Sound Bathing (No Water Required)
By Michelle Ebbin   |   March 5, 2020

Nothing has the ability to transport us to another time and place quite like the resonance of pure sound. From Aboriginal tribes who used the didgeridoo as a sound healing instrument to ancient Tibetan singing bowl ceremonies, for centuries people have used sacred vibrational sounds to quiet the mind and heal the body. Today the use of […]

Studio Special Events
By Steven Libowitz   |   March 5, 2020

Amardeep Kaur leads a Kundalini Yoga & Gong Experience – featuring sound healing, mantra chanting, and movement to assist in centering, grounding, and “awakening to the indescribable ecstasy of life” – from 7-8:30 pm on Friday, March 6, at the Santa Barbara Yoga Center ($20)… Also this week at SBYC: Sequences for Well-Being in a […]

‘Loving’ and ‘Leap’-ing at the Luke
By Steven Libowitz   |   September 26, 2019

The Marjorie Luke Theatre, which earlier this month began its own ongoing series on spirituality and healing called Mind, Body & Soul, is now also the home for events from the Santa Barbara Consciousness Network. Next up is Dr. Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., the famed author, personal growth and relationships expert and speaker who, alone or […]

Spirits Soaring
By Steven Libowitz   |   May 17, 2018

The Spiritualist Church of The Comforter of Santa Barbara has roots that date back more than 125 years to its charter in Summerland in 1891, when it served as the focal point of a small community developed as a summer camp for the newly founded Spiritualist Organization. The church had to relocate when the 101 […]

Freedom Buried in the Body
By Steven Libowitz   |   May 3, 2018

Yemaya Renuka Duby moved to Santa Barbara only last year, but the somatic therapy practitioner-health and lifestyle coach brought with her a wealth a experience. Duby is a 25-year veteran of the Rosen Method – a psychosomatic system integrating body, emotional, and mental experiences in releasing unconscious patterns of behavior – who trained directly under […]

Encountering Blissful Eternity with EntheoMedicine
By Steven Libowitz   |   April 19, 2018

Back in 2016, EntheoMedicine founder Jacqueline Lopez not only had no interest or experience with psychedelic substances for medicine or any other uses, she was actively opposed. “I thought people who did this stuff were kind of crazy, probably living on the street because they were hooked on it,” she recalled. “Coming from Brazil, where […]

Singing for the Soul
By Steven Libowitz   |   February 8, 2018

The second Monday of December, at the height of the smoke and ash filling the air from the Thomas Fire, I donned my N95 mask and headed down to Yoga Soup for “The Big Sing”, the final session of the initial inCourage Community Chorus classes led by Britta Gudmunson and Ben Gould. It was quite […]

Coming Together
By Steven Libowitz   |   January 18, 2018

Like all of us in the Montecito/greater Santa Barbara area, I have had a lot of personal reactions to the Montecito mudslide disaster coming on the heels of the Thomas Fire, from numbness to grief to fear to hopefulness and even gratitude. The latter came mostly last weekend in the wake of the community coming […]

Facing Fire Fears and Freeing Hearts
By Steven Libowitz   |   December 21, 2017

Dealing with the Thomas Fire likely has been stressful, at the least for those in Montecito and environs who have been lucky enough not to have suffered more physical losses. The mandatory evacuation of such spiritual retreat centers as La Casa de Maria, Vedanta temple, and the MacVeagh House at the Museum of Natural History […]