Tag archives: Ragan Thomson
Radhule Weininger’s new book, Heart Medicine: How to Stop Painful Patterns and Find Peace and Freedom — at Last, features a brief forward by the Dalai Lama and another longer, more personal one from colleague Joanna Macy, the prolific author, environmental activist, and half-century-plus scholar of Buddhism. Additional pre-publication praise has come from locally beloved […]
DiviniTree Santa Barbara, which is entering its first New Year since undergoing a change in ownership, is launching right into 2019 with a new meditation sampler series. “A Year of Centering,” which takes place over four consecutive Sundays, January 6-27, is designed to offer a wide-ranging set of essential tools and insights to integrate into […]
Ragan and Alex Thomson met Dale Halaway more than a decade ago, when Alex signed up for a business coaching seminar and immediately felt a connection. Over the years, the Montecito power couple kept working with Halaway, a veteran transformational life coach, in a variety of public and eventually private seminars and coaching sessions – […]