Tag archives: Microbubbles

Microbubbling: A Fate Worse Than Death
By Mitchell Kriegman   |   March 14, 2019

“Quod, ut dicitur, si est homo bulla, eo magis senex” the Roman scholar Marcus Terentius Varro (116 BC – 27 BC) wrote in the first historical references to bubbles which means “If man is a microbubble, all the more so is an old man…” Ok I’ve translated “bulla” into its micro form. Perhaps that wasn’t […]

When Sharks Look up
By Mitchell Kriegman   |   November 1, 2018

“There’s no angry way to say microbubbles,” Bill Murray said, not the real Bill Murray, just someone pretending to be Bill Murray on Twitter. Does it matter? It’s true even if he didn’t say it. I think that’s one of the reasons in these troubling times microbubbling is so gratifying. The best form of microbubbling […]

The Artistic Mind of Santa Barbara
By Mitchell Kriegman   |   October 18, 2018

“I look for microbubbles, that lie among the wheat, and bake them into mutton-pies, and sell them in the street,” to misquote Lewis Carroll. I’ve always wondered why the Walrus didn’t mention microbubbles as well. He certainly didn’t mind talking of those other things, like shoes, and ships, and sealing wax. Whenever I see an […]

The Revolution That Hasn’t Happened
By Mitchell Kriegman   |   October 4, 2018

“Microbubble, Toil and Trouble,” Shakespeare wrote. Actually, it’s “Double, Double, Toil and Trouble” in neat trochaic tetrameter, like a scary nursery rhyme. Either way, it’s about trouble and I’m asking for it. I’m wading into the dangerous waters of discussing boys. If you didn’t notice already, I’m a boy, a man, a male. Girls have […]

Here’s to You, Mrs. Robinson
By Mitchell Kriegman   |   September 20, 2018

I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening, Benjamin Braddock? “Microbubbles.” Think about it.  I want to remake The Graduate. I know that sounds sacrosanct unless, of course, you’ve seriously never heard of the movie due to generational discrepancies or have a lack of cultural references. But I think […]

Bubble Bubble, Toil and Tequila
By Mitchell Kriegman   |   September 6, 2018

Fantasma de México is made with Blanca or Reposada tequila on the rocks, fresh lime juice (or three limes, if you don’t trust it’s fresh) with a splash or “float” of mescal shaken or not. The mescal imparts just a ghost of smokiness to remind the drinker of old Mexico. Mescal, the ancestral form of […]