Tag archives: Lake Cachuma

Montecito Planning Commission Meets
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   February 28, 2023

At the first hearing of the year of the Montecito Planning Commission (MPC), the commission was back in person for the first time since before the pandemic. Chair Ron Pulice thanked former Commissioner Susan Keller for her nearly 10 years of service on the commission; it was decided that election of the 2023 MPC Chair, […]

Will Montecito Run Out of Water?
By Bob Hazard   |   September 21, 2021

As of mid-September, 50 out of the 58 California counties are reporting either “extreme” or “exceptional” drought status. Montecito falls into the “extreme drought” category. While Montecito’s water supply appears secure for the next three years, all bets are off if continued drought becomes the new norm, or if Montecito Water District (MWD) customers are […]

A Few Things Everyone in Montecito Should Know About Water Part 1
By Carolee Krieger   |   July 2, 2020

The Public Trust, Montecito, and the Sources of Our Water Water is a Public Trust Resource. The Public Trust Doctrine, codified by Roman Emperor Justinian in 535 AD, affirms the public’s fundamental right to water as a common resource. This right was reiterated in Britain’s Magna Carta, and later enshrined in the constitutions of the […]

Will Montecito Go Full Speed Ahead with Desalinated Water?
By Nick Schou   |   May 21, 2020

This month, roughly 4,600 households in Montecito and Summerland received a special insert along with their monthly water bill. “WATER RATE UPDATE!” the flyer declared in urgent all caps, adding that the “Montecito Water District has Plans for Delivering a Secure Water Future.” Stating that its customers “want their drinking water to come from local, […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   March 14, 2019

The Other Side of Straws We are writing in response to the recent editorial about straws. We generally respect Bob Hazard’s journalistic integrity and are sorry to see so many inaccuracies in this piece. The City of Santa Barbara’s straw law goes into effect on July 1, 2019 and not on January 1, 2019 as […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   March 14, 2019

Double-Wide Kings in Carp Thanks to all of you who came out to see us at the Lobero Theatre last November to celebrate the music of Neil Young. Over the past several months, we have been busy mixing down the live recordings from that special night. We are excited to announce that we will be […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   February 28, 2019

A Simpler Solution In “Sucking It Up” written by Larry Bond (MJ #25/7), he indicates that both he and Mr. Gene Tyburn wonder “…why this common sense solution to our water woes has not been pursued.” The “common sense solution” referred to is to dredge the bottom of the lake when conditions permit to increase […]

Reef Restoration
By Jon Vreeland   |   January 10, 2019

Last October, aqua-hero and CEO of the Fish Reef Project Chris Goldblatt, with members of the team, invited a handful of journalists on a donated pontoon boat to watch the implementation of an artificial reef set in the shallow waters of Lake Cachuma. The Fish Reef Project strives to show that artificial reefs – a […]

Experience Matters
By Dick Shaikewitz   |   October 11, 2018

37 cents of every dollar received by the Montecito Water District (MWD) from our customers goes to the Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA) for our State Water deliveries. The CCWA operates and maintains the Central Coast water transmission system that brings northern California water all the way to Lake Cachuma. Since 1997, CCWA has delivered […]