Tag archives: James Buckley

Response to Buckley’s Opinion
By Montecito Journal   |   August 22, 2023

In his dirge over the demise of print daily newspapers, James Buckley seems to assign the initial cause of the recent shuttering of the Santa Barbara News-Press to The New York Times’ purchasing of that publication in 1985. He expounds on that curious contention by stating that The New York Times didn’t “know” Santa Barbara […]

Bravo, Brutoco
By Montecito Journal   |   August 30, 2022

Bravo (yet again) to Rinaldo Brutoco’s August 11 column. He always comes up with the best adjectives when clashing up against “Big Power” greed: “Preposterous shibboleth” … Makes me laugh every time I look at it! In throwing big shade last week at the PG&E & Edison monopolies, he calls back to his group’s white […]

By Lynda Millner   |   August 23, 2022

Over 27 years ago I walked into the Montecito Journal’s offices and told the founder of the new paper, Jim Buckley, that he didn’t have a society column. He replied, “Write one and if we like it, it’s yours.” Seen Around Town was born and my life changed forever! I always had liked to dress […]

Pay it Forward
By Montecito Journal   |   April 5, 2022

I’ve been reading some excellent opinions in the Journal. Writers are challenging the Montecito Creek Water Company’s claim to the wonderful life-giving Montecito Hot Springs. These writers are right, we need to unite for the Earth, everywhere we can. I figure, if we’re taking on one water user, we’re taking on all water users. For […]

Man Behind the Lens
By Steven Libowitz   |   December 14, 2021

Carpinteria native Mike Eliason has taken tens of thousands of photos over the course of his 35-year career as a photographer in town. Eliason spent the first quarter-century as a newspaper photojournalist who worked for just about every paper in town, capturing sunsets and shooting alongside wildlife and wildfires before the Santa Barbara County Fire […]

An Open and Sincere Question to Collectors
By Montecito Journal   |   October 26, 2021

I found myself truly saddened by the article in the Montecito Journal regarding the Montecito Motor Classic — which is an emotional response that I’m sure few, if any, also experienced. And I have a question for the owners of these cars, to which I honestly and sincerely crave an answer. What is the professed […]

Renew the Lease for Little Alex’s
By Montecito Journal   |   October 19, 2021

Dear Mr. Rosenfield, I’m writing to ask you to please reconsider renewing the lease for Little Alex’s. Your website says the “Montecito Country Mart is a place for the entire family and the best way to experience Montecito — as a local would.” So please let’s keep a very local and beloved place open for […]

Cannabis Chaos Takes an Unexpected Turn
By Montecito Journal   |   June 24, 2021

I am troubled by the apparent conflicts-of-interest by attorney Marc Chytilo involving his lobbying for a major cannabis grower and Foothills Forever.  The latter is a large community philanthropic effort involving the pro bono efforts of many attorneys, but one that Mr. Chytilo seeks primary credit. Last Wednesday, many in the First District were left […]

Clarification and Public Input Needed Over Riven Rock Parking Problem
By Montecito Journal   |   June 17, 2021

The public’s right to use and enjoy Los Padres National Park and a number of its trails has little meaning when the public has no practical means of accessing Hot Springs Trail and others. Conflicts arise between private landowners and the general public who wish to enjoy wilderness areas that are not accessible without parking […]

A Vintage Jim Buckley Non-Apology Apology
By Montecito Journal   |   June 10, 2021

In last week’s issue, Gwyn Lurie’s “Editor’s Letter” decries what she calls “incendiary language” in my recent column, calling it a “mistake” to have even printed it in the first place. I re-read it and though found it somewhat provocative, I believe that at no time does it reach the incendiary stage (450 degrees Fahrenheit, […]

We Must Not Look the Other Way
By Montecito Journal   |   June 3, 2021

Upon reading Jim Buckley’s OpEd piece in the recent Montecito Journal issue regarding voter fraud I was filled with surprise at its publication, appalled by its content, and appreciation that the MJ printed it. I would remind Mr. Buckley that the courts, election officials, and the Attorney General, many of whom were appointed by the […]

Democracy is Imperfect and So Are We
By Gwyn Lurie   |   June 3, 2021

I rarely comment on the content in this newspaper, but in last week’s edition our staff ran an opinion piece before we could screen it for our normal standards of respectful political discourse; the piece I’m referring to included the use of gratuitous language that some find misogynistic, bigoted, and should have had no place within […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   November 26, 2020

Bear Necessities Carlos here! Since I have good Wi-Fi here in my den, I was able to watch the Town Hall meeting a few weeks ago about me. I was grateful for a large attendance of twenty-something people who logged in to learn, listen, and let their thoughts be known about my presence. Fish and […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   July 23, 2020

Our County… Our Black Hole So, Bari Weiss (NYT Op-ed writer/editor) recently resigned. What I found sad about her departure was her self-described truth: “Twitter is not on the masthead of the NYT… but it has become its ultimate editor.” This unfortunate reality is even more acute in Santa Barbara where the flames of legitimate […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   July 16, 2020

Purely Political Mr. James Buckley is a True Believer. When Donald Trump descended the escalator and announced his candidacy for president of USA, he declared that he is racist, misogynist, and antiimmigrant. For good measure he declared soon after, that he can kill somebody on Fifth Avenue, and it would not change any vote from […]

Dear Community,
By Gwyn Lurie   |   December 5, 2019

History and our culture are rife with seemingly odd pairings that, perhaps counterintuitively, turned out to be productive and beneficial. Previously in these pages I’ve mentioned the counterbalance provided by founding fathers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. But there was also an odd friendship between George Wallace and Shirley Chisholm. House Speaker Tip O’Neill and […]

By Montecito Journal   |   November 26, 2019

(If you have something you think Montecito should know about, or wish to respond to something you read in the Journal, we want to hear from you. Please send all such correspondence to: Montecito Journal, Letters to the Editor, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Montecito, CA 93108, FAX it to us at 805-969-6654 or via e-mail […]

Dear Montecito Community,
By Gwyn Lurie   |   November 21, 2019

Gwyn Lurie is a local chair collector. She chaired the MUS School Board for five years, she co-chairs the Santa Barbara Human Rights Watch Committee, she is a founding member of The Partnership for Resilient Communities (TPRC) and was Chair of the Santa Barbara County Child Welfare Safety Net Task Force. Gwyn has spent enough […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   February 14, 2019

A Non-Scientific View Last week, Montecito Journal’s front-page photo of the Romero debris catch basin filled with tons of rocks, coupled with your words stating Montecito had fared the last major storm “very well,” left me wondering why you are still writing about the installation of several steel nets. If what we have in our […]

Up In Smoke
By Montecito Journal   |   December 20, 2018

One year ago, pretty much right now, I was looking up from Montecito Street in Santa Barbara at Montecito Peak on fire. I thought for sure all of Montecito would burn. But it didn’t, thanks to 8,000 firefighters. Dan SeibertMontecito (Editor’s note: Well, yes, while we can’t say Montecito was “lucky,” as we lost nearly […]