Tag archives: Hillary Clinton

A Life in Focus
By Katherine Stewart   |   April 22, 2021

From photojournalist in Tennessee to two tours as Second Lady to a new start in Montecito, Tipper Gore has had a remarkable journey To spend time with Tipper Gore – even by phone, as I did, thanks to COVID-19 safety restrictions – is to marvel at the vivid tapestry of her life. As the nation’s Second Lady […]

Are Your Beliefs Falsifiable?
By Robert Bernstein   |   January 21, 2021

I used to buy snacks at the Isla Vista Deli Mart even though they were a bit more expensive than the competitors. I went there just to engage the former owner Mike in debate about Donald Trump, whom he supported. (Note that the Deli Mart has new owners who are not Trump supporters.) When Trump would […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   July 16, 2020

Purely Political Mr. James Buckley is a True Believer. When Donald Trump descended the escalator and announced his candidacy for president of USA, he declared that he is racist, misogynist, and antiimmigrant. For good measure he declared soon after, that he can kill somebody on Fifth Avenue, and it would not change any vote from […]

A Look Back and Forth
By James Buckley   |   July 2, 2020

Way back in the Dark Ages (say, the year 1970 or so), the “political season” began the day after Labor Day, in early September. That allowed for a nearly 10-week stretch of politicizing and polarizing to lead up to the first Tuesday in November, which was, putatively, Election Day. Over the years, that paradigm shifted […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   March 26, 2020

At Home in the Age of Corona, March 19, 2020 I am looking out my window at a grey and dripping sky, reflecting upon our new reality. Like millions of people everywhere in the world, I am at home. I am lucky to be in a nice warm house, and to have my wife and […]

It’s Gone on Too Long
By Montecito Journal   |   August 2, 2018

This has gone on too long. Every day, the pot holes and trenches get worse at the bottom off Olive Mill Road and Coast Village Road right in front of the construction of the new building on the corner. This intersection is a joke and needs to be repaired now. My husband and I drive […]