Tag archives: free speech

Unfree Speech
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   May 16, 2023

Freedom of Speech – and of the Press – are in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But of course, they are not defined in detail. That has been a task for the following two centuries – and the debating goes on. A major complication has been the development of new media, which are […]

Hate Speech May Be Protected, but It Shouldn’t Be “Free”
By Dan Meisel   |   March 15, 2022

In my role at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), I passionately defend free speech. ADL recognizes that the First Amendment protects even hateful or offensive speech, and we believe the best response to hate speech is not censorship, but more speech. Not all hate speech is protected, however, and even hate speech that is protected “free […]

A Vintage Jim Buckley Non-Apology Apology
By Montecito Journal   |   June 10, 2021

In last week’s issue, Gwyn Lurie’s “Editor’s Letter” decries what she calls “incendiary language” in my recent column, calling it a “mistake” to have even printed it in the first place. I re-read it and though found it somewhat provocative, I believe that at no time does it reach the incendiary stage (450 degrees Fahrenheit, […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   November 26, 2020

Bear Necessities Carlos here! Since I have good Wi-Fi here in my den, I was able to watch the Town Hall meeting a few weeks ago about me. I was grateful for a large attendance of twenty-something people who logged in to learn, listen, and let their thoughts be known about my presence. Fish and […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   July 23, 2020

Our County… Our Black Hole So, Bari Weiss (NYT Op-ed writer/editor) recently resigned. What I found sad about her departure was her self-described truth: “Twitter is not on the masthead of the NYT… but it has become its ultimate editor.” This unfortunate reality is even more acute in Santa Barbara where the flames of legitimate […]