Tag archives: Endangered Species Act

What Is an Animal Lover?
By Robert Bernstein   |   November 1, 2022

Some topics are still taboo to discuss and this may be one. Are you an “animal lover”? What does that mean to you? If you say you don’t like dogs, people are quick to ask if you like cats. Are those the only choices? There are 10-30 million species of animals on Earth. The exact […]

Latest on Randall Road Debris Basin
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   May 7, 2020

On Tuesday, May 5, the Montecito Association Land Use Committee met virtually via Zoom, with special guests Tom Fayram and Jon Frye from Santa Barbara County Flood Control. The Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Randall Road Debris Basin project was released earlier this week, and is available to view online. The 45-day comment period […]