Tag archives: email

Do You Check Your Spam Folder?
By Robert Bernstein   |   March 19, 2024

Do you ever check your email spam folder? This may not seem very cosmic, but it reveals some odd biases. If you send an email to someone and they don’t reply, do you feel frustration that they didn’t check their spam folder to find your message? That is fair. But only if you also regularly […]

Perish Prolixity
By Ashleigh Brilliant   |   March 25, 2021

When I was first privileged to write this column, I was set a 750-word limit. I knew that I could go a few words over or under, and nobody would care. But I decided to make a game out of turning in exactly 750 words each time. What made this relatively do-able was that, unlike […]

Recognizing & Avoiding Scams
By Patti Teel   |   February 27, 2020

This week’s Scam Report will focus on Business Email Compromise Scams (BEC), which have tripled in the last three years, resulting in more financial losses than any other fraud type in the U.S. It’s when a fraudster uses a compromised email account to insert himself into a transaction where two parties are exchanging money. The […]