Tag archives: drunk driving

Hands Free Phone Driving = Drunk Driving?
By Robert Bernstein   |   May 30, 2023

“Don’t Drink and Drive: You might hit a bump and spill your beer.” This bumper sticker is a perfect microcosm of our ape brain absurdity. The same absurdity of using phones while driving. When a friend first told me about a new law banning texting while driving, I thought it was a joke. “Are they […]

‘DUI Hunter’ Now Patrolling Streets of Montecito
By Kelly Mahan Herrick   |   September 28, 2021

Each month during the community reports segment of the Montecito Association Board of Directors meeting, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Lieutenant Butch Arnoldi rattles off about a dozen crimes that happen each month in our area. These almost always include vehicle break-ins at trailheads; stolen mail or packages; maybe a residential burglary or two. Last week, […]