Tag archives: Diana Starr Langley

The Fire That Stole Christmas
By James Buckley   |   December 21, 2017

We only had a little over an hour with Montecito Fire chief Chip Hickman, as he had to escort some of the people who’d lost their homes back to their property, but we made the most of our time. No Montecito firefighters were lost or even hurt throughout the ordeal. There was one death, that […]

Paderewski a Pianist, not Violinist
By Montecito Journal   |   November 23, 2017

Congratulations to Ms Diana Starr Langley for serving as publisher of the beautiful new issue of your glossy magazine, her first. However, there is an egregious error in the issue, which suggests carelessness or ignorance on the author’s or caption-writer’s part. This error must be appalling to the informed music lovers in this community and […]