Tag archives: boat tragedy

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   September 26, 2019

“Highway” 192’s Two-Year Closure You absolutely buried your cover story (“Village Beat” MJ # 25/36 in a response on page 26 “Two Bridges Too Far”) about the bridge on Highway 192… the biggest problem facing all of us living to the west of it. It’s all we neighbors talk about here on Chelham Way. We […]

Letters to the Editor
By Montecito Journal   |   September 12, 2019

Understanding Tragedy As our hearts grieve the loss of our beloveds in the Channel Island boating accident, we search from a deep place within our soul to find a way to process such a tragedy. Every day I look out to the Channel Islands from my home in Montecito. So many times my children and […]