Tag archives: Beekeepers Guild
With Santa Barbara’s long-awaited springtime flower blooming season already strongly underway, Santa Barbara’s Beekeepers Guild is hoping to encourage local residents and homeowners to help our county’s bee population thriving. You don’t have to be a beekeeper to do this, the guild says. In fact, planting flowers that bees like may actually be more important […]
Earlier this year, the Journal highlighted the laudable efforts of our local beekeeping society, the Beekeepers Guild of Santa Barbara, to promote the health and welfare of our local pollinators. Aside from promoting best practices for maintaining beehives and providing resources for humane hive removal, the group also urges local residents to maintain bee-friendly gardens, […]
Ever since 2013, the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Guild, an offshoot of the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association, has dedicated itself to educating children about bees and other important pollinators by bringing live insects to school. The guild, which has about 85 members, both bee enthusiasts and beekeepers, also provides free bee rescues to local residents, so […]