Tag archives: aviation

He Landed Safely
By James Buckley   |   April 4, 2019

My longtime friend and confidante, balloonist, scientist, physicist, thinker, inventor, conversationalist, and bon vivant, Julian Nott, passed away peacefully on March 26 after suffering multiple injuries from an extraordinary and unforeseeable accident following a successful balloon flight and landing in Warner Springs, California.  Every second or third Saturday morning, depending upon his schedule, we would […]

Hats off to Alison and Sharon
By Montecito Journal   |   June 14, 2018

Many quiet heroes of these last few months have escaped the deserved visibility that first responders and other notables have received in this and other local media. But, we must try to name some of these quieter-but-not-lesser heroes, and thank them as best we can and as frequently as they come to mind. From my […]