Tag archives: Arts Fund
The Power of Objects, a solo show from mixed media assemblage artist Ron Robertson, opens at The Arts Fund’s Gallery space at La Cumbre Plaza on Friday, July 15. A force in the local Santa Barbara art scene whose work has been treasured around the country, Robertson was also a long-time supporter and popular mentor […]
The Arts Fund is partnering with Beth Alexander and AM|Fitness for a meditation fundraiser comprised of three weekly brief meditation classes on Tuesdays that benefit the Funk Zone arts organization. Alexander, a fitness trainer and a nationally recognized health expert who has been featured by The Today Show, Shape, and PopSugar Fitness, is the creator […]
Our Town’s latest millennial superstar is Torrie Cutbirth, artist, arts community enthusiast, and recently appointed executive director of the Arts Fund Santa Barbara [AFSB]. She is making headway as the youngest E.D. for the organization with an art background, education, and passion to move its mission forward. I met with Torrie at the AFSB gallery […]