A 50-Year-Old’s Heart Attack and How He Saved his Own Life

My beloved 50-year-old nephew, Dan, had no idea he was having a heart attack, and didn’t recognize the symptoms – but eventually did several very crucial things which ultimately saved his life. He was so wise to write down what happened while lying in the hospital, when things were still fresh in his mind. I’m passing on his story so others might know what to do and act quickly to avoid tragedy! I think 40 and 50-year-olds, especially, need this information, because they are NOT expecting a heart attack. But even old ladies like me are not sure sometimes if they should call 911 or their doctor. Here is Dan’s story in his own words:
I was running out of breath all day at work but didn’t think much of it. I felt normal, but when speaking, my words at the end of the sentence would taper off because I didn’t have enough air. I recognize in hindsight that it was dissonance between what my brain is accustomed to when talking and the oxygen shortage that was occurring.
At the gym at 5 pm, I was pushing really hard. I started feeling badly and had to stop 2/3 of the way though my workout. I initially just pushed harder, but thought I was going to be sick.
I had eaten some food earlier in the day that I had bought on a fridge shelf in the store where it seemed misplaced. I convinced myself that it must have been sitting out for a long time and then put back in fridge. It felt like an amplified version of my worst food poisoning experience, combined with the worst workout muscle strain.
I rested in the car for a bit and went to Costco. It took a long time as I was having a hard time focusing and kept having waves of nausea. While leaving, I started dry heaving in the parking lot. I almost had to pull over a few times on the drive home from the pain and nausea, but it was so extreme that I recognized that I wasn’t going to be able to drive again if I stopped.
I got home and unloaded the cold stuff to the fridge. I couldn’t do anything else due to the feeling in my chest which I thought was from overdoing chest presses. It felt like someone had grabbed my sternum and was ripping my pecs towards my armpits. It kept getting worse.
An hour later, because I was shivering – and to hopefully make the soreness less extreme the next day – I decided to try soaking in a warm Epsom tub. I threw up on myself laying in the tub. I’m thankful for that because laying down probably saved me from throwing out my back with how aggressive it was.
No radiating pain, no lower back pain. My Apple watch continued to show nothing abnormal other than that my pulse was fluctuating. My teeth hurt. I had no idea that could be a symptom.
I got out of the tub and climbed in bed. I began sweating. I was drenched in sweat. Dry off. Drench in sweat. Dry off… and it’s pouring down me before I can finish drying off. Chest soreness is more than seems possible for any workout. Just in case, I unlock the door to the house. I was scared where this could be going.

By the time it was 4:30 am, I was in so much chest ripping pain, pain in my teeth, and constant vomiting that I realized I needed an ambulance because I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t even stand up anymore. I knew I’d be in the Kaiser lobby a long time, so I might as well go and beat the crowds….
So I called 911. I didn’t let them speak until I had said my address, name, that the door was unlocked, my symptoms, and the medications I take. Only after I got out the necessities did I answer their questions. The EMTs arrived about 10 minutes later and came in the unlocked door. They ran some tests and told me I was in the middle of a heart attack.
They skipped taking me to Kaiser and routed me to the nearest trauma/cardio hospital, which thankfully is the generally agreed upon best one; UCSD Trauma. Scared as I suddenly was, I was reassured as I’d listened to colleagues say on repeat over the years “if I get shot, drive further to take me to UCSD Trauma.”
I normally have great veins, but they can’t find one and so I’m poked repeatedly. I have the panic of the words “heart attack” swirling with the learned focus I get when I hear our sirens and lights kick on. They try not to bounce while driving, even as the EMT loudly announces to the driver each time they’re switching arms, poking each in an attempt to find a vein.
Whirlwinds of doctors as I’m wheeled in. I can’t focus on any one question. The EMTs have taken over and are relaying all my info. I’m asked to sign waivers and all I can think of is that I was just told “risk of death.” I smudge the writing stylus across the page as I can’t even hold the stylus properly.
It hits me and I’m suddenly crying. I don’t want to be another tragedy hurting my family. It’s all I can think of as I pass out. I have to be there for them. I can’t do this to them.
Waking up… I’m hooked up to loads of machines. I had a large clot in my right ventricle which had blocked blood flow. I had a stent put in and I’ve been on six different types of blood thinners to try and break down the clot so they don’t have to crack my chest open. I’ve been told I have permanent damage to both ventricles of my heart. Too soon to know the extent.
The doctors say “normal life” but won’t answer if it will be my normal life. I have a long period of cardiac rehab ahead of me. I’m itching to go. I don’t want to go slow. This will require more patience than I give my body. I will learn. I will grow. I have survived and will survive.
My doctor told me that had I not come in when I did, I would not have survived much longer. It was a very major heart attack and yet I didn’t recognize it because I thought that certain classic symptoms HAD to be part of it. Even while I was having the heart attack, I felt that it was my body telling me to push harder during the workout session I was having. I fully support sharing the message and lessons that I learned that day – both medically and about what really matters most in life.