The 7th Annual Raising Our Light Ceremony

For the 7th year, the lives of the 23 Montecito residents who lost their lives in the 2018 mudslides were honored in a solemn ceremony, Raising Our Light, on Thursday, January 9, outside in the Montecito Union School parking lot.
There, with the Montecito Fire Department Engine as backdrop, was the podium for the speakers and a long table that would hold a candle for each person who passed away.
The program started with opening remarks about grief and loss from Rev. Channing Smith and Suzanne Grimmesey from SBC Behavioral Wellness.

Next, Santa Barbara CountySheriff Bill Brown provided his remembrance and words of hope for the attendees. He said, “Today we unite and reflect, affirming our resilience and commitment to ensure such devastation will never be repeated in a similar way. We also recognize the efforts of a number of groups of people, first responders, firefighters, law enforcement officers, EMTs and paramedics, Search and Rescue teams, and volunteers who worked tirelessly in the face of unimaginable devastation. Their bravery, compassion, and determination saved lives that day, and brought together hope during out darkest hour. It continues to inspire us all. We have seen incredible progress as people rebuilt their lives, and with infrastructure improvements like debris basins and water channels, that will protect us in the future, to collaborate and innovate in the face of adversity […] and countless acts of kindness and generosity that bind us together […] to protect this privileged place we call home.”
Brown was followed by Montecito Fire Chief David Neels, who talked about the focus of the evening being our remembrance of those lost here and our thoughts for the people in the Los Angeles fires who are going through similar experiences Montecito did. He led the candle ceremony reciting the names of each person who passed away in the mudslide, with a bell ring for each name as a firefighter placed a candle on the table.
Neels next called for the search light to be lit as the Beacon of Light in the night sky with 23 bells sounding from the local schools and churches, along with a period of silence. Once the beam was seen, many attendees had their photo taken by a friend with the Beacon of Light in the background, some with hands folded in prayer and some hugging each other.
Neels, “When we raise our light to the sky tonight, the people in Los Angeles will see our light and hope. Please remember the grace and compassion then and even tonight as we stand side by side. The desire of the people who put this ceremony together is for you to heal mentally and spiritually, and is never ending.”
Along with Montecito Fire Chief David Neels and his team of fire fighters, SB County Sheriff Bill Brown and his law enforcement officers, the family and friends of the 23 Montecito residents who passed in the mudslide, other attendees at the memorial event included Aida Thau from the City of Carp, 1st District SBC Supervisor Roy Lee, Montecito Association Board President Doug Black, MA Executive Director Houghton Hyatt, and MA chairs Dorrine Lee Johnson, Mindy Denson, and Trish Davis; Zach Rosen, Managing Editor, representing the Montecito Journal Media Group LLC; and representatives from the Community Wellness Team for those needing counseling and connection.
The event concluded with a reception and refreshments donated by the Rosewood Miramar Beach. For more on Sheriff Brown and Chief Neels speeches, you can watch the video here.
Raising Our Light is a collaborative effort by the Montecito Community Partnership Team including: the Montecito Association, Montecito Union School District, Cold Spring School District, Montecito Fire Department, Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade, the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness, and the Montecito Journal Media Group LLC.