SBCC Stories Stream

By Steven Libowitz   |   April 7, 2021

Perhaps ironically, it’s SBCC – which has been largely shut down during the pandemic, thus allowing SBIFF to create its makeshift drive-ins down by the beach in the college’s parking lots – whose Theatre Arts Department has compiled stories written by the SBCC community, including students, staff and faculty, to create three separate performances of personal, touching, humorous, or otherwise interesting stories that are available for viewing by the general public. Directed by Maggie Mixsell, who created and directs the multiple Personal Stories programs at Center Stage Theater that began as part of the now-defunct Speaking of Stories series, the SBCC version has a slight tweak in that while many of the stories are performed by their author, others are read by actors, stepping outside the parameters set by “The Moth,” the inspiration for the Stories series. 

The “Friends and Family” section features stories by John Behring, Paloma Espino, Kyndra Gedney, Laura Kenig, Stuart Orenstein, Sara Ostrowski, Lois Phillips, Becky Saffold, Sue Smiley, and Scout Wilkins; “The Unexpected” includes tales written by Seema Chopra, Sarah Fenstermaker, Claire Hofer, Tanya Jefferson, Mason Levy, Lisa Marciano, Brian Silsbury, Seth Streich, Helen Sun Wong,and Raven Wylde; and “Discoveries” reveals stories by Kiran Dhillon, Ann Dusenberry, Martha Garcia,  Jack Johnston, Colby Noakes, Christina Pages, Maggie Powell, Sally Saenger, Joseph Simmons,and Ida Wadman. The tales are available for on-demand streaming through April 17, with tickets set at $10 general, $5 seniors and students, per chapter. Visit


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