Letters to the Editor

By Montecito Journal   |   December 12, 2019

An Incumbent Issue

Why have so many of us suddenly and recently received political campaign solicitations from Das Williams? And why are people who didn’t sign up to get official county updates from him now suddenly receiving them? Is he co-mingling his official taxpayer funded work with his campaign? It appears so. When one signs up on his campaign website to join the campaign, the notification states that they will now start getting official county updates. You can see it here (www.daswilliams2020.com).

If yes, this is at the very least a clear poor use of judgement, and at the worst, a blatant violation of federal and state election laws in order to advance his political career. This is a pattern of behavior from Mr. Williams on so many issues, large and small, and needs to be carefully considered by his fellow supervisors and us voters. At a time where ethics in government, and trust in our elected officials to know the difference between right and wrong is so paramount, this kind of abuse of office is just wrong.

We have a very rare and important opportunity in this rapidly approaching March 3 election for the critical job of Supervisor of our 1st District, and a choice to vote for competence, integrity, vision and good governance to guide our local issues in the coming years.

Yes, I am for Laura Capps and for integrity in our public servants, and I am also raising awareness that we have a chance to focus on the fundamentals of this choice of before us.

Alixe Mattingly

Fixing a Hole

We’re all familiar with the quote, “it’s the little things in life.” A recent road repair on CVR proved this to me.

Much better now

Last month I saw construction on Coast Village Road in front of Montecito Bank & Trust. The next day my dream came true. The small hole in the pavement had been paved over. It wasn’t big but it was right in line with my tires. And it’s been there for years, four or five times a week I run over the hole or swerve over the double yellow line. Thanks to those that fixed it.

Dan Seibert
Santa Barbara

A Tree, Just in Time

Santa’s helpers

Over 60 years ago, Montecito Fire Captain Don Hathaway began the “Secret Santa” tradition by employing his family and neighbors to decorate the small (at that time) seven-foot tree at San Ysidro and the freeway. The ceremony performed by Don’s elves in secret at night. For decades, Montecito residents were delighted by the magical Christmas tree.

About 12 years ago, I received a call from Don disclosing the secret and asked if I would carry on his tradition since he was “too old.” I said yes. I asked Don if I could reveal the secret to his public – yes!

I then asked the Montecito Beautification to help with the decoration of the now 40-foot tree. About 10 years ago, the tree became diseased. CalTrans cut it down the same date as Don Hathaway’s Funeral. With only a couple of months to December, I needed to locate a Blue Aptos Redwood and a place to plant!

Working with California Forestry and Santa Barbara County Parks, a beautiful 30-foot tree was delivered to Manning Park. It was placed in the ground by Doug of Mesa Tree on 12/3 and decorated on 12/10 – phew!

Once again, with the elves of the Beautification Committee and Montecito Fire, the Hathaway Memorial Tree will be dressed for the Holidays on 12/11 beginning at 3 pm.

Dana Newquist

Welcome Aboard

I just had to drop you a note of huge appreciation for first of all taking over the MJ, and second of all for your most thoughtful and welcoming first editorial.

Yes, the question has surfaced a few times regarding Tim Buckley’s continued tenure on the paper and what an insightful, encouraging, and humane response you offered the community. Ah, would it be so at the national level!

At any rate, bravo. I, and many others I’m sure, stand ready to do whatever we can to help you make this paper what it can be in this most special and unique place we call home.

Happiest of holidays to you and yours,


Joanne Rapp


I have to say I find the impeachment hearings riveting at times and quite boring at other times.

Last Wednesday’s hearings were just plain weird.

The first oddity is that the Democrats called on three legal experts to testify and the Republicans were only allowed to call one.

For the sake of fairness and of much more interest at least from my point of view it should have been two and two.

Then it gets weirder when Pamela S Karlan, a law professor from Stanford School of Law, decides to make a joke involving the President’s 13-year-old son.

If we have learned anything in this chaotic world of politics politicians’ underage children are completely off limits.

As compelling as Ms. Karlan argument was regarding President Trump and in her opinion the bribery that took place it is in my mind nullified by her disregard of common decency.

Maybe just maybe it was our system working to even the score at two opinions each.

Steven Marko
Santa Barbara


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